My Name is Ekaterina; Can I be Your Girlfriend? Part 6

Today we are continuing our series on our talented scammers, Ekaterina.  Ekaterina is notable by the fact that our ‘conversation’ lasted more than a month.  We survived the first demand of money, $570 to purchase ‘airplane tickets’, only to have the demand repeated two weeks later.  Where these requests were made, I will include some of my conversation to show how I deflected this attempt at fraud.

Ekaterina appears to be a very young girl, despite the fact that she claims to be 29 years old.  I believe that this is a common practice by these types of scammers, to more reliably entice intended victims; it is slimy and very regrettable.

This Part 6 of our series on her (and the scammers that are using her image and name).  Parts One, Two ,  Three, Four and Five can be found by following the links.

I’d appreciate it if you would carefully review our Copyright Notice at the end of this post.  You may not: Use, Borrow, Extract, Copy, or in any way, perform any action that could limit the writer’s future rights to: Leverage, Sell, Publish, Distribute or Infringe any commercial consideration that damages the author or his rights in any way.  Lastly, please remember that I have done no editorial ‘clean-up’, allowing our readers to see exactly what they might see in their inbox!

On Another Beautiful Thursday in Paradise…

Our Ekaterina

My Sun Cliff! Lovely Cliff, I am very grateful to you for letters your gentle and full of love. I very much miss you and is glad to receive yours the
letter.  Everyone in life has two strips, black and white, the period of
failures is it black, white – happiness and love. After I have met you
that in my life there was only a white strip. I feel perfectly because
I feel your love. I want to be with you, I want to kiss and make love.
I for ever yours and only yours Cliff. You for me the closest person.
Same close as mum and the grandmother, prevents us will be together
distance but I know that it very soon happen and I shall meet you. You
the person which have presented me the most fine feeling – love, I
adore you for it and I would want that we always were together, that
we would be always full of passion and that our kisses would warm us
each minute. I am happy because that I have you, you are dear to me, I
feel that we are created one for another and the destiny has prepared
us for test as distance but I hope that we shall overcome it.
Everyone in this world has happiness. The main thing to find it. I
have found the happiness and the love.
IT YOU Cliff!!!!!!!
I love you and I shall love always.
You for ever in my heart.
Your loving and gentle Ekaterina

And on Friday…

Hi my dear Cliff! How you today the darling? What was your
night? Whether you recollected me? This night I thought of you dear!
To me of 29 years. We has very bad paper mail in Russia. Please do not send me
anything. It will be pleasant to me to receive your gift at
our meeting. Ideas on you give me a lot of pleasure, but also they give me some
fears. I with some fear represent for myself the moment when at the
airport we for the first time shall see each other. I hope, that
during this our moment, you the first will show the initiative. I feel
huge confusion from such events, when I in an unfamiliar place and
around set of strangers. Today I asked the manager to whom by you can
transfer money for payment. Cliff, my agent has informed me, that for
moving money it is better to you to use system “Western Union” or
MoneyGram”. These systems have offices practically in all cities. In
my city some such offices. The agent has told, that it is very
reliable and fast systems for moving money. Favourite, I reached
today in office Western Union and have received there the detailed
information. For moving you will need to specify my full name and the
address. For reliability you will receive from them confidential
number. And I will need to be shown the passport and to name this
confidential number, to receive funds. As do not forget to inform me
the your home address that I could receive your money. The office will take small
percent for payment of moving of money. Moving will demand all some
hours. Dear, here my information, it
My full name: Ekaterina Maltcsewa
My address:
country: Russia
Kirov area
village: Ivanovka
ZIP: 612144
Street: Mira st. 17-4
Tomorrow I shall reach in agency of travel to learn concerning the
visa. The agent has told to learn concerning the visa. The agent has
told, that probably I will need to reach to Moscow in embassy, for
personal conversation. Though they can often extract the visa with out
it. Tomorrow I shall inform you news on it. My kisses and embraces for
you, my favourite Cliff. I wait for your messages dear.
Yours Ekaterina
The next day…

My Sun Cliff! I’m fine. I am glad to your letter and my heart
is warmed when I receive it.  I have no phone but I will try to search
for a way to cause you and as soon as I will find it I at once will
inform you on it. Unfortunately, I to not have in the property the computer
and I can not sit in the Internet long.
Mum asks to transfer you the greetings and congratulations. But me it
is very boring without you, it is boring because I can not be with you
Cliff and I can not enjoy our happiness and love. I very much want to
be with you Cliff. I want to feel your embraces, kisses both your
tenderness and love. I thought of that as it would be good if we could
go together to shop and choose one to another good things, a meal or
still that or. We together take the carriage also shall push it and
put there that that it is necessary. You will put the hand on mine and
we slowly shall go along a counter. We shall take various food,
spices, greens fruit, bread and many other things that I could prepare
for tasty dishes for us and we enjoyed them each day.
Or in shop of clothes we shall buy clothes for you or me. I shall help
you to choose the most beautiful suit and you will look always fine.
Cliff, you can help me will choose a beautiful dress. I can not
choose itself. Basically I am am helped by the girlfriend, I know that
you too will help me the most beautiful dress in which I shall love
you and you will love me in it. You will help me to choose female
linen? I would want that it was pleasant to you and I hope that you
will not refuse to help me in a choice of it.
Sunbathing Anyone?I will be sure that our life is fine because we would shall make all
that it was filled with happiness and love and I am very glad that I
have you, Cliff. You for me the most fine, most necessary and
favourite person. You all world for me and I live each day only
because that I have you and soon our lifes begin one, full bright
paints, tenderness and love.
Cliff, you in my heart and I madly love you.
Yours and only your loving Ekaterina

And on Tuesday…

Hello My Lovely Man And My Sun Cliff!!!!!!!!
I am glad to receive your letter. How has passed your day? What you
made today?
I very much miss you Cliff. I very much want to be with you. I would
want that you were in my embraces and I could sit on yours knees. I
frequently think of that as we together are engaged in love. Cliff, I
many times imagined ours with you the first night of love. I am sure
in that that we not shall to sleep this night. We shall enjoy our love
and I am sure that first night I shall not forget never and I know
that you will make all as well as I that we would be happy and groaned
from love and happiness. We shall be in a bed and we shall not leave
it. Only sometimes to have a drink coffee or to eat a sandwich. We
shall accept bathing with you, we shall caress one another and to help
be washed. Cliff, when I think of it it that on my body runs a shiver
and now I have decided to stop this subject. I can not write now the
big details because that very much was excited when the beginnings to
think of it. Cliff, what you think of our first night of love? How
you imagine to yourself it?
I hope that your ideas are fine also you will write to me them
I with impatience wait for your letter.
I love you Cliff!!!
I sent you my kiss, most passion and sweet.
Yours and only your loving Ekaterina


Copyright notice – FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC

This website and its content is copyright of Clifford L Feightner – © FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

  • You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
  • You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you obtain written permission from Clifford L Feightner (, in advance of use.

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

You are NOT safe in the New Internet World

So, you have used a computer for a couple of years now
and you make sure that you have a solid firewall and the latest
anti-virus/anti-malware tools installed and active. You clean/defragment/compress  your disks regularly, and you back up your system automatically, to be sure  that you are not at risk.  Enough said,  right!

Pocket Wi-Fi Detector

WRONG.  For your information, Hackers never sleep.  Let me tell you what those midnight-oil burning Hackers have been up to, and refer you to a rather dry but worthwhile discussion that is definitely worth your time.

This is particularly true insofar as the threat, and damage, has not  generally arrived yet.  If you are forewarned, you just might recognize aberrant behavior in your digital ‘devices (including your car), and be able to correct the situation before it causes you damage, injury or a TON of money!

Did you know that:

  1. Text-message malware – While Smartphone viruses are still fairly rare, text-messaging attacks are becoming more common.
  2. Hacking into smart grids – Smart grids might be vulnerable to attacks that would allow hackers to cut off electricity to homes and businesses and create other kinds of havoc.”  It would also allow
    them to actually change your electric meter – raising or lowering the amount of electricity used that is reported to the Electric Company – and YOUR BILL.
  3. Social network account spoofing.  IS that new friend of a friend on your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo or other
    Social Networking site ‘really’ safe?
  4. Cyberstalking – This has been widely reported on the TV Networks.  Anything that causes a young person to take their own life MUST be eliminated!
  5. Hackers controlling your car – The age of the connected car is dawning. Vehicles like the Ford Edge now provide 3G network access, a Wi-Fi router in the car, and the ability to tap into your home Wi-Fi network (only while parked).”
  6.  “GPS jamming and spoofing: Threat or nuisance?
    It is easy to jam GPS receivers with a low-cost jamming device like one sold by Brando.  GPS spoofing could be used for serious crimes — transmitting information to a delivery truck that routes it into a dark alley where criminals are waiting, changing the timestamps on financial transactions, delaying emergency vehicles from finding
    their routes. There have been no reported cases of GPS spoofing to commit a criminal act, but Johnston warns that government and business should work to deter the attacks.”

To read the entire article, published on Network World, please click HERE

The iPad Tsunami: Does it Matter? and how is it Used?

Behold the iPad in All Its Glory.

Image via Wikipedia

The iPad is becoming The Only “PC” That Matters

As I have stated on this blog and to my friends, Business Insider has become one of my favorite resources.  I am a struggling author who needs to spend my money very carefully.  To do so I lean on technology and business authorities such as CNET, BI, Consumer Reports, and sources of their ilk.

As a writer, I am dearly in love with tablet computers.  I bought my iPhone 3GS on sale when the iPhone 4 was introduces.  As a ‘tool’ it is probably the most important device that I use for all manner of things useful.  Using its 287 Apps, I have been exceptionally empowered – and I LOVE it!  So, (I) imagine how much better I could operate with an iPad.  How significant is the iPad and how are people using them?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Recently Business Insider published two very interesting charts, which I am referring to today.  The first that I’ll talk about is “The iPad Is Becoming The Only “PC” That Matters”.  I refer to the links provided for the discussion content and background of these charts.

The first element that I notice in this chart spanning the time from November, 2010 and May, 2011, is that the iPad is used a higher percentage of the time than all the other devices.  We can conclude that it is the device of choice, and is only NOT used because of a lack of functionality that the other devices additionally provide, e.g. phone calls, printer services and enhanced computing with applications.

From my personal experience, I have written chapters of my books on my iPhone.  It was not easy given the ration of my finger size to the keyboard, but it was certainly more convenient as I could work when I felt like, regardless of my surroundings.

Further, not being content to jot down a few keywords of an idea, that occurs sporadically, with the iPhone I can jot down a quick paragraph that ensures that I don’t lose elements of content that I might with ‘keywords only’.

OK, we have learned that the iPad is increasing its lead over the other devices, particularly laptops, and is the most popular platform.  How do people actually use the iPad today?

 How People Actually Use iPads

What can we learn from this chart?  First and foremost, we seen that the iPad is primarily a consumer of information, with over 59% of its ‘time’ used for Web Browsing and watching videos, plus game playing.  This is contrasted by the uses of Email and Other Applications (40.7%) – creators of information.  It is the former, consuming information, which clearly drives its use because it is so much more convenient, given its form-factor.

So, since November, 2010 when the iPad was introduced, it has become the dominant and preferred form factor, and I can now certainly understand my growing longing.  The iPhone 3GS became affordable because I bought it when the iPhone 4 came out.  Unfortunately, there was no large price decline when the iPad 2 was introduced. 

Until a miracle happens, I’ll just have to continue to save my pennies.  I also urge you to purchase my second book, Views from Sandhausen: Experiences from a Foreign Service Assignment, available from the following points of purchase:

It is a fun, informative, engaging, interesting and useful view of what lies on the other side of ‘The Pond’.

Love each other!


 Author: Jay Yarow:

Use iPads:

Only PC:

More on Drug-Resistant Bacteria and MRSA

As a follow-up to our blog post “This is a Horror Show! MRSA and Giant Bedbugsposted on May 12, 2011, our post was referenced in the following article on the Health Rebel blog.  “Nearly Half of U.S. Meat Tainted With Drug-Resistant Bacteria. Now it is starting to get really scary!

Grab Networks, on May 18, 2011 (today) released a video “Bed Bugs May be Spreading MRSA” that provides an overview of the MRSA danger promulgated by bed bugs, and a few common-sense steps that you can take to deal with these horrible and pervasive creatures.  I highly recommend that you take the three minutes that it will take to view it, and learn from it.  Now, on to the danger…

I don’t know how familiar you are with Necrotizing fasciitis or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). 

Image via Winkipedia

I also don’t know about you but I can’t think of a more horrific situation to find one’s self in than to contract a disease that eats your flesh, at an alarming rate, and is resistant, nay Highly Resistant, to treatment.  The thought of losing muscle, flesh and limbs, while suffering the pain and horrific odor of YOUR rotting flesh being eaten away faster than the situation can be controlled, presents the ultimate hellish scenario.

I include cancer in this conversation.  My wonderful wife Lynn suffered immeasurable pain for 62 agonizing days, as we fought with every fiber of our beings – to beat back Renal Cell Carcinoma.  She suffered more than anyone should ever have to suffer, but I don’t think that even that can compare to a flesh-eating disease.  So, what do we do about this and how can we protect ourselves.

We know that MRSA bacteria can enter a simple cut on our body, take root, and spread.  A scratch that we get while pruning our roses, a scrape on the ground when we fall, any of these simple accidents, can leave us wide open to a MRSA infection.

More startling news:  HA-MRSA has mutated 3 times in 12 years !  Am I missing something here?  That was published in 2008!  Where are we now?  We know that the rate of growth of MRSA is increasing.  That says that there is an acceleration of incidents – we are losing the battle to beat back this horror and we are not able to slow the increasing rate of growth, see recently.  The newest losers are athletes and children.  These are the most vital and healthiest amongst us.   We are losing, not only the battle, but also the war!

In addition, now we hear the meat we buy at the grocery store; you know, the USDA approved and deemed safe for consumption, can expose us to MRSA.  What the He** is going on here? Are you outraged?  I know that I am! 

Getting back to the purchase of meat and products that can be tainted with MRSA, we learn from Nearly Half of U.S. Meat Tainted With Drug-Resistant Bacteria that we must not consume factory farmed produce. Since most meats from these sources are found in supermarkets it is best not to buy your meat from these establishments. A Doctor Mercola states that your meat should be from local organic farms that you can check out yourself. This is particularly true in the U.S. If you cannot do the research yourself to source all your food, check out the local farmers markets and any organic delivery services. Is this practical for our modern society?  Is it affordable?  I would answer NO.

Now the question is, is it really Necessary?

According to the New York Post:

“For the study, researchers looked at 136 samples involving 80 brands of beef, chicken, pork and turkey from 26 grocery stores … According to the findings … industrial farms, where food animals are steadily fed low doses of antibiotics, ‘are ideal breeding grounds for drug-resistant bacteria that move from animals to humans.’”

So, drug-resistant bacteria may be lurking in your grocery meat aisle. A study found that Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria that causes most staph infections, was present in meat and poultry from U.S. grocery stores at “unexpectedly high rates.”

Researchers found nearly half of the meat and poultry samples were contaminated. What’s more, over half of those bacteria were resistant to at least three classes of antibiotics.

Further, from Doctor Mercola, “If you’re still buying meat from your local grocery store, you have a 50/50 chance of choosing meat that’s tainted with drug-resistant bacteria every time you shop. This staggering, and quite disgusting finding comes from a study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute, which revealed 47 percent of the meat and poultry samples they tested contained antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

These were samples from 80 brands of beef, chicken, pork and turkey from more than two dozen grocery stores scattered across the United States, in large cities from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. So it likely applies to a grocery store near you …

It should be noted that all of these bacterias will be rendered moot by cooking.  Heat will kill them completely.  Having said that, do you like your beef rare; I know I do!

Please go to the main article for further information on the following topics:

  • Can You Get Staph Infections From Meat?
  • Antibiotic-Resistant Bugs in Your Meat is a Very Bad Sign …
  • Do You Know Who Uses the Most Antibiotics in the United States?
  • Will Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Soon be in Your Produce, Too?
  • Other Countries are Taking Steps to Keep Superbugs OUT of Their Meat …
  • Another Reason to Choose Your Meat Wisely

I believe that an article from the Mayo Clinic provides the best overview of MRSA. Please study their graphic on what a staph infection looks like, in the two photos that they present!   I urge you to read it here.  Stay safe, watch what you eat, and be very careful outdoors.


Image Credit: Image by mroczknj via Flickr

Image Credit:

My Name is Ekaterina; Can I be Your Girlfriend? Part 5

Today we are continuing our series on our talented scammers, Ekaterina.  Ekaterina is notable by the fact that our ‘conversation’ lasted more than a month.  We survived the first demand of money, $570 to purchase ‘airplane tickets’, only to have the demand repeated two weeks later.  Where these requests were made, I will include some of my conversation to show how I deflected this attempt at fraud.

Ekaterina appears to be a very young girl, despite the fact that she claims to be 29 years old.  I believe that this is a common practice by these types of scammers, to more reliably entice intended victims; it is slimy and very regrettable.

This Part 4 of our series on her (and the scammers that are using her image and name).  Parts One, Two ,  Three and Four can be found by following the links.

I’d appreciate it if you would carefully review our Copyright Notice at the end of this post.  You may not: Use, Borrow, Extract, Copy, or in any way, perform any action that could limit the writer’s future rights to: Leverage, Sell, Publish, Distribute or Infringe any commercial consideration that damages the author or his rights in any way.  Lastly, please remember that I have done no editorial ‘clean-up’, allowing our readers to see exactly what they might see in their inbox!

On another fine Sunday in Paradise I found out that I was a ‘Lovely Man”… Who Knew?

Our Ekaterina

Hello My Lovely Man And My Sun Cliff!!!!
Thanks for erotic history and sexual photo.
Cliff I very much miss you all day and is very glad when I receive
your letter.
I with impatience wait for our meeting and I hope that it soon happen.
I very much want to be with you. Today I prepared for supper of a
house and thought as it would be good if you too could try that that I
have made. I cooking soup from meat, beet, carrots, an onions and
other spices. It name to Borsch, Cliff you heard about it? I think
that this most well-known dish in Russia after pel’menis and pancakes.
As I was going on the second mashed potatoes with a cutlet and roast.
I have cooked compote from dried apples with sugar and was very tasty.
I so would like that you have tried my dishes and could estimate their
taste and I would think that was pleasant to you. I like to prepare
and I adore to prepare for delicacies, for example a pizza, pies, a
shish kebab and many other things. I name their delicacies because not
so frequently for them cooking.
Cliff I very much would want to stand on kitchen and feel as you
embrace me, kiss, touch my hips help me to be going, you would help
me? I hope what yes. I with impatience wait for your letter. I hope
that your today’s dream will be fine also you as well as I will see in
the dream a fine meeting of us with you.
I love you,
Yours and only yours Ekaterina

And on Monday…

Hello My Lovely Man And My Sun Cliff!!!!!!
Cliff, I am glad to receive your letter. I with impatience waited for
it both my heart was warmed also my heart knocked when I today have
opened it.
I think of that as it would be good if could in weekend go on a nature
and have a rest there. I will be cooking tasty salads, we would take
with ourselves tent, knifes and all other accessories to a campaign
and have put in the car. Then I have still taken a bottle red wine. I
do not love alcohol, but a red wine I drink on holidays but not much.
We would take meat what to fry it on a fire and would go to a wood or
on seacoast. Where you would want Cliff? I would like closer to water.
There we would put tent, would grow a blanket what to sit on it. Would
put on a table salads, a wine glasses, have dissolved a good fire.
Then together I would shall send swim in water, to lake or the river.

Anyone for a Swim?

The main thing that we could swim together. We would bathe, laid on a
coast, kissed. Caressed one another, would enjoy a nature. looked at
the sky. Have then returned to tent, have prepared for meat and would
sit to have supper. A fire shine us. Cliff, you open a bottle and pour
a wine in glasses. We drink a little for us and I see that one droplet
has remained on your lips and I kiss you gently, you respond on my
kiss and take me on hands and carry in tent. Cliff, we are engaged in
love, we enjoy each second of love, each minute of passion and it is
very good us together. Then we leave tent, we categorize a blanket
closer as a coast and we look at the sky. You embrace me and warm the
heat. We are closer and closer, we speak we speak and we fall asleep
under singing night birds and under a night rustle of leaves. I think
that soon all of what we dream the reality begins. Each our day will
be filled with love and we shall be happy for ever. I love you, and I
send you the most most sweet kisses and I hope that they warm you at
cold night in your bed. If when you read my letter and in the street
night that look at the sky. There you will see constellation the big
she-bear as a ladle. Cliff I send you this ladle full kiss and
I love you Cliff!
Yours and only yours Ekaterina

The next day…

Hello My Lovely Cliff!!!!!!!
Thanks for beautiful pictures, to me are very pleasant to see it.
I am glad to your letter. I ADORE YOU!!!!!!! I for ever yours Cliff!!!!
Cliff I want to speak with you about much. At me it is a lot of dream
connect with ours with you the general life. It is very interesting to
me, you like dreams in which we with you together? You would would
like that they began a reality? Who knows those their your friends or
relatives about our meeting? They are pleased? My mum and my
girlfriends we shall be very glad that with you together. That ours
lifes have met you also we can enjoy this fine feeling soon. They are
glad that I have met the person at which to me serious relations and
intentions. They very much love you. I want to be with you,Cliff,  I
feel perfectly after have learned you. I want to be obedient and
gentle, my grandmother asked me that I want to make and that we shall
make together. I have told that I want to support in all you to love
and enjoy love and she having smiled have told that I really am in
love also her this feeling is known. She very much would want to test
it once again but the grandfather and has left also she can not forget
it never.
I want to be with you, I want to love you, I want to enjoy our
tenderness, I want to give love and caress to you and I want care
about you and to feel your love in a reality. I think that you my love
and I want to be with you for ever. Cliff,  you my destiny!!!!!
I want to hear more your dreams, I want to know that you think also I
want to kiss you now and to be in your gentle embraces.
I with impatience wait when it happen.
I love you Cliff!
Yours and only your loving Ekaterina

And the next day…

Hello My Lovely Cliff!!!!!!!!
My love of me warm your letters when I receive them. What you affairs
today Cliff? How your mood? You well slept?
I last night have decided to go on park. I went along the street all
over again, have then come in park and sat on a bench. In our park it
is a lot of bushes, it is a lot of trees, lanterns now stand and there
it is bright. I thought of that as it would be fine to go together
with you in park. It is a lot of boys and girls which else study at
university or parents with children went on park. But I noticed only
young pairs. They went together, held hands together, embraced,
kissed, laughed. You would be would be desirable me that with me now
and I could embrace you or sit to you on knees and kiss you gently and
passionately. I want to be with you Cliff. I want to feel yours warm,
your breath, I would want that we groaned with happiness and love.
Cliff you are not present with me and to me is sad without you. I
believe only in one that there will come day happy for us and we with
you shall be in embraces of one another, all we shall make together
and we shall make so our life would be full of happiness and love. I
want to be with you my love. I want to enjoy our happiness and love
and I would want that we for ever were together.
I send you the kisses, the most gentle that you could feel my
tenderness and that your heart would be warmed, that your ideas would
be about me and you have written to me the big and gentle letter.
I love you Cliff!!!!
Yours and only your gentle and sweet Ekaterina


Copyright notice – FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC

This website and its content is copyright of Clifford L Feightner – © FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only

You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you obtain written permission from Clifford L Feightner (, in advance of use.

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.


A bag of money, US dollars, spinning in a vort...

Image via Wikipedia

This post is off the beaten track; I received this information in an email and found it interesting.  I don’t believe in this chain letter nonsense but, often the subject matter is of interest.  This is just such a case.  I hope you find it enjoyable and interesting!

Calendar for July 2011 (United States


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

  This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not forward…..will be without money.

Kinda interesting – read on!!!

This year we’re going to experience four unusual dates.

1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that’s not all…

Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born – now add the age you will be this year, 

The results will be 111 for everyone in whole world. This is the year of the Money!!! 

This year October will have 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays. 

This happens every 823 years…. These particular years are known as

“ Money Bags”

The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends money will appear in next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENGSHUI.

Those who don’t continue the chain won’t receive…….

It’s a mystery, but it’s worth a try. Good luck. “I GET BUY GIVING”

Original emailer: Jeanne Ulery

My Name is Ekaterina; Can I be Your Girlfriend? Part 4

Today we are continuing our series on our talented scammers, Ekaterina.  Ekaterina is notable by the fact that our ‘conversation’ lasted more than a month.  We survived the first demand of money, $570 to purchase ‘airplane tickets’, only to have the demand repeated two weeks later.  Where these requests were made, I will include some of my conversation to show how I deflected this attempt at fraud.

Ekaterina appears to be a very young girl, despite the fact that she claims to be 29 years old.  I personally believe that this is a common practice by these types of scammers, to more reliably entice intended victims; it is slimy and very regrettable.

This Part 4 of our series on her (and the scammers that are using her image and name).  Parts One, Two and Three can be found by following the links.

I’d appreciate it if you would carefully review our Copyright Notice at the end of this post.  You may not: Use, Borrow, Extract, Copy, or in any way, perform any action that could limit the writer’s future rights to: Leverage, Sell, Publish, Distribute or Infringe any commercial consideration that damages the author or his rights in any way.

On another sunny Tuesday morning the following note arrived.

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I very much waited for your letter.
I now know, how I can surprise you. I thought of that much as how to
make. And I think, that we it is good to know one about other already
enough and it is necessary for us will meet. You agree with me? Cliff
I shall go tomorrow and to learn when I can arrive to you. I think,
that already tomorrow I can inform you date when I can arrive to you.   
I thought in the evening much and I cannot live what any more to not
feel your kisses, your embraces, the most gentle and sweet in this
world. I wish to feel you, I wish to enjoy our passion, I wish to wake
up in your embraces, I want, that our happiness was with us for ever.  
I love you Cliff!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish to be with you!!!!!!!!!!
I want, that all our dreams would become a reality for ever.
I want, that we with you would be happy.
And it becomes a reality. We shall be the happiest together. I to
search for you all life and tomorrow I can tell to you when we shall
meet. I am assured, what it is good news to you? The truth? Cliff you
will meet me? I know what yes. I do not know when, but I shall learn
how all to make and when I can be with you, and already tomorrow,
represent, tomorrow we shall know as how to do.    
I do not know how to describe that I to feel now.
I am happy!!!!!!!!!!! I shall be with you Cliff!!!!!!!!!!
And to not describe words ours with you of feeling. I to give you the
heart, and I know, that with you to my heart it will be good. Remember
I spoke you that we to float towards to one another. And here already
soon we will meet. And then at us the new and fine life will begin.  
You agree with me Cliff????

        Yours and only your loving and gentle Ekaterina

And on Wednesday…

Hi my dear Cliff! Im glad your message. I hope that you have Good day?
I had intense day and I’ve greater Weariness in my body now. today I
reached office of travel company and discussed with them My travel.
They will prepare for me necessary Documents for travel and ticket on
plane. Some information for development of a route is required to my
manager about plane. Inform me dear address of the most nearest
airport to you which I should arrive. This information is required
Tomorrow that we could establish cost of travel. Today I have paid to
them only for preparation of visa and some necessary Papers. It was in
sometimes more than I planned because of Difficulties in reception
visa. Dear your help for payment another will be probably required
Parts of cost for travel if cost of tickets the plane will be Very
big. I certainly have some sum still and as I ll be To take some money
from my mum. But its possible will not suffice For payment of tickets
and insurance. I will be known after development Route of travel. I
shall inform you Cliff, if your help required to me. I hope that it
will not be a problem for you. I have informed you the information on
promotion our meeting and now I send to have a rest. Im very tired
today. my favourite I hope that I can soon embrace you!

I wait your messages, dear!
My kisses and embraces for you.
Your Ekaterina

P.S. Do not forget to inform address and airport.

 And the next day…

Hello My Lovely Man and My Fine Cliff!!!!!!
Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I am glad that you have not
left me one and I very much love you and I could not live if you have
not answered me.
I every day dream of you and I wish to be with you. It is very
difficult, very much hard to live and know that I can not to be with
the favourite person. Today I have reached agencies of travel and have
given the information concerning the Tampa International airport.
My agent has informed me that the trip will cost to 945 US dollars.
In this sum to enter registration of the passport,
the visa, a trip to Embassy, sending of documents into Moscow and
residing in Moscow before interview and after.
I has paid 375 dollars and now I need to  570 US dollars
more that I could arrive to you. My agent has told to me that this money
   will it is necessary to pay to me within several days.
  These are very big money but I think that you will help me with this problem and
    I at last that can to arrive to you that we were together. I LOVE YOU Cliff!!!!!!
I wish to be with you, your love is necessary for me only. I am ready
to give a life what we with you were happy, that our love never would
die, that it would be with us, that we could feel our passion,
tenderness and caress.
You my life, my love my happiness. In this world there is nothing more
perfectly than our love. And I shall make all, all that in my forces
that we would meet. But love which in ours hearts which warms and gives us
fine dreams will help us.
We shall be happy. At us in the country to have the saying. If very to
want it is possible to depart to the sky.
I do not want in the sky. I want to you. Cliff only you, only you
the man of my dream and I shall give a life for our love. For our
Cliff I will be assured of that that our life is fine. All that would
be necessary for us that it happens, it to be together. And I hope
that we can make it.
If we shall make all together if the God will help us that we we shall
I LOVE YOU Cliff!!!!!!!!!
Yours and only your loving and gentle Ekaterina

Halfway through the month…

Hello My Lovely Man And My Sun Cliff!!!!!!!
Cliff I think only of you and about that as it will be good us
I very much would want that our life will be is fine. What
you would want that I made when we shall be together? I think of you
much. I want say to you about that as I present our usual day when we
shall be together. Cliff, I think that it will begin from that as we
shall wake up with you in one bed. I shall lay the head on your breast
and you will embrace me the hand. I shall open eyes and I shall see
you. I shall tender kiss you and you too will wake up and will answer
my kisses, gentle and passionate. Then I shall stand from a bed, I
shall be naked and I shall dress your shirt and I shall go to prepare
on kitchen easy breakfast for us. When I shall prepare for it you come
for me behind and your embraces will warm me, you will kiss me all
over again in an ear, then in a neck and your hands will caress my
body, my breasts and my hips. But here the teapot will begin to boil
and we shall have breakfast with you. Then we shall take a shower
together. Cliff, we shall be make love in a bath and only then we
shall leave therefrom, we will have good mood and all day will be
fine. Then when you will come from work I shall meet you the gentle
kiss. We with you shall make all together, in the evenings we shall
sit on sofa near TV and to look good film, then together we shall go
to a bedroom and we shall be make love yet weariness.
If at whom that from us will be bad mood. That we shall try to change
it. If you will long that I would shall make all that you smiled and
melancholy have disappeared from your eyes. I would shall make all
that you always were happy and I hope that you too. I love you and my
life belongs to you. Cliff, how you imagine our usual day together? Or
weekend? Or a holiday?
I with impatience wait for your letter.
Yours and only your loving Ekaterina



Copyright notice – FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC

This website and its content is copyright of Clifford L Feightner – © FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

  • You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
  • You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you obtain written permission from Clifford L Feightner (, in advance of use.

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

This is a Horror Show! MRSA and Giant Bedbugs

For Me, This is a Horror Show! How about You?  Bedbugs With ‘Superbug’ Germ Found! 

Giant Bedbugs; Drug-resistant Bacteria?

 I don’t often blog about breaking news, particularly if the information is preliminary.  Today I am making an exception.  I cannot imagine a worse combination of a blood-sucking insect that is particularly adept at hiding – as is the bedbug, and possibly the dreaded Staph infectionMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

From the Huffington Post, 5/11/11, “ATLANTA — Hate insects? Afraid of germs? Researchers are reporting an alarming combination: bedbugs carrying a staph “superbug.” Canadian scientists detected drug-resistant staph bacteria in bedbugs from three hospital patients from a downtrodden Vancouver neighborhood.

Bedbugs have not been known to spread disease, and there’s no clear evidence that the five bedbugs found on the patients or their belongings had spread the MRSA germ they were carrying or a second less dangerous drug-resistant bacteria.”

The highlighted section is the horror part.  Is it MRSA or is it the second less dangerous drug-resistant bacteria.  The way I read that, it is an either or question.  Is it the Number One or the Number Two drug-resistant bacteria?  Either one is horrific!

 It is going to make your skin crawl but please follow this link.  Ignorance is no excuse and while unpleasant, you need to be aware of this!

Forewarned is forearmed.  God!  What is next, Radioactive Mosquitoes?


My Name is Ekaterina; Can I be Your Girlfriend? Part 3

Today we are continuing our series on our talented scammers, Ekaterina.  Ekaterina is notable by the fact that our ‘conversation’ lasted more than a month.  We survived the first demand of money, $570 to purchase ‘airplane tickets’, only to have the demand repeated two weeks later.  Where these requests were made, I will include some of my conversation to show how I deflected this attempt at fraud.

Ekaterina appears to be a very young girl, despite the fact that she claims to be 29 years old.  I personally believe that this is a common practice by these types of scammers, to more reliably entice intended victims; it is slimy and very regrettable.

This Part 3 of our series on her.  Parts One and Two can be found by following the links.

I’d appreciate it if you would carefully review our Copyright Notice at the end of this post.  You may not: Use, Borrow, Extract, Copy, or in any way, perform any action that could limit the writer’s future rights to: Leverage, Sell, Publish, Distribute or Infringe any commercial consideration that damages the author or his rights in any way.

On a sunny Friday morning the following note arrived.

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I am glad to learn more that
you to think. It is pleasant to me, that you to hide nothing from me and all sincere
to me tell. I feel, how my heart aspires to you.
Cliff I spoke you, that my girlfriend, mum, the grandmother know about
you. And they are glad for us. They for me the most close people. And
now I to you to test such feelings, you for me as native. You
understand me, we communicate also to me it very much it is pleasant.
Cliff yesterday to me the girlfriend and when we together drank tea
they have started to discuss our acquaintance has come on a visit. How
have noticed that I will change, how have been surprised that I to
solve gets acquainted with you. Also have then understood, why I
became more better to look.   
Cliff I so wanted, that you would be with me and to help me to answer
all of them questions. But I have consulted. They to transfer you
greetings, and have told, what you to not offend me. I have told, that
you never to make so.  
I so would like to descend today with you at cinema. You to go with
me? On what film we would go? What would we do after film? Than would
be engaged evening? 
Cliff if you could present that we for a long time are familiar. As
you represent that for usual day together? Tell to me. It is very
important for me. I send you a photo, that you would be easier to
present me.
I miss and I wait, your gentle Ekaterina

The next day…

Cliff I am happy, to receive your letter. I knew, that you to write to
me today. I have woken up in good mood and today saw a fine dream in
which we with you not only have got acquainted, but also to walk in
park and even to have supper in restaurant. And you have told, that
you to write to me soon, and I have woken up. I did not understand,
why you have told, will write, when we together? Cliff also has woken
up and has understood that you likely only have sent me the letter? I
weigh day on work was and waited when I can come to the Internet of
cafe and receive your letter.       
I am glad that you to tell to me as you represent our day together. I
would like, that it would become a reality.  I prefer good dry white wine
Ideal first date – easy supper, walk on a coast, long walk. We talk all evening,
we find themes for conversation easily, we laugh. We together meet solar dawn…
I miss you. I think of you, Cliff I at all do not know, that to me
occurs. But I am happy. I never was so is happy as after will get
acquainted with you. 
Cliff what you would want that I cooking for you? Tell to me. I shall
try to make it. If I know about this dish I mean can make it. If is
not present, we shall make it together. Well? 
I yesterday thought of how you to surprise? What surprise to you to
make, that you all over again would be surprised. And it is then
shocked, and it is then happy? And I can while to think up nothing.
What you very much would like? Tell to me about the main dream.  
I send you a photos, I hope, what it is pleasant to you, and you to
keep it?
I already miss, and I do not wish to leave from the Internet of cafe,
it would be good, if you can answer at once. But likely it is
I wait you Cliff !

                Yours and only your missing Ekaterina

And the next…

Cliff I am happy, to see your letter.  Thanks you for your photo.
This is very, very much pleasant for me. I am very glad, I as would like
to see your happy face and a smile. I think, that it will be probably
fast. I am glad to learn what to make you happy. I never shall forget about
it and I shall remember and when at me an opportunity I will make it.
  I had a dream last night that you
and I were together. In my dream we were In a cabin in the woods.
The fireplace was the only light in the room, and we were sitting
on a large fur rug on the floor in front of it. My heart has been
totally captured by you! We sat for a while just looking
into each other’s eyes. We then leaned toward each other and shared
a long, passionate kiss. It seemed as if time were standing still
for us. Our bodies came together and we made love for the first time. 
Afterwards, we laid there holding each other and professing our love.
When I woke I was very happy, you next to me and my heart in my dreams. I want
to have you near. Still, it was a wonderful dream that will someday
come true, I hope. I LOVE YOU MY DEAR.
Cliff when I receive your letters, I feel that at me to grow wings. I
as an angel. But I cannot fly. I cannot fly up in air and to be with
you now. Also it becomes sad. But the grief passes, when I read your
letter further. I am happy, when I go home. I did not see dreams many
years. In general any. And after acquaintance to you I see them also I
to sleep as the baby. I would not like to wake up. I would be happy,
to wake up only in one case. If I have woken up in your embraces, you
would like this Cliff??
Cliff mine mum, girlfriends and the grandmother to transfer you the
”hi”. I have told, that you too to transfer them “hi” always. They are
pleased. Speak that you very careful because to not forget about them
Cliff you have made my life filled sense, and I am happy. I know, that
you to write to me, I know, that you to think of me and I am happy. To
not describe that feeling. I never to feel such.
Cliff Soon I think, that I can pleasantly surprise you. And it will be
very pleasant. Only do not ask me that. I shall soon tell. When I
shall be precisely assured. Well? I at once shall inform you. 
I wait for your letter in the Internet of cafe. If you will receive
its that to answer at once. Can, probably, what we could so to
communicate at once? Also is unnecessary to wait long for time? I
shall wait for your answer of 20 minutes. I hope, that you receive it
at once.   
Yours and only your loving Ekaterina

you not against that i call myself now “loving”?

And the next…

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I have very much become bored
already. I hoped what today to receive your message and I to
receive it. I think that for me not will hard to leave from the
country. Mum  and all my girlfriends know about  that to me poorly one. Without  the favourite person this life is
not necessary for me but with  loved  I shall be happy and consequently all my  girlfriends and mum with the
grandmother will not be against if I  shall leave. They speak that even if I shall leave that they will  miss but
will be glad if I shall be happy.
I wish to learn from you as we shall spend our first evening and night
together. You will tell to me? As you imagine the very first night. Me
it is very interesting. I at all do not know as it can be, but will be
perfectly assured that it.  
Cliff I think that all over again we shall be in embraces of one
another, we shall enjoy our embraces and kisses. We can take pleasure
in our passion and tenderness. Then we to make to me together an easy
supper, or we descend, where that to attempt. And then we shall be at
home. Also there will be a good music. I shall dress very beautiful
dress. I am assured, that it is pleasant to you. I to dress it only
once. To the girlfriend per day a birth. It was pleasant to all, Cliff
as you think, it is pleasant to you, if I shall be in an easy dress,
blue color. Which densely fits me. And it not long, hardly below a
knee and big to cut out on a breast. You will embrace me, we shall
dance, and to move aside bedrooms. Cliff at you in city to sell a
petal a rose? We to cover with them a bed, to light candles, we to
pass in a bedroom and we will have a fine and long night of love. How
you think? Cliff you would like that for it so?
And how you imagine it? Tell to me. I ask you.
I send you a photos, it is pleasant to you? I hope what yes, you would
like to be about me on it?
I send you the most gentle and sweet kisses, and I hope, that they to
Cliff you, your heart and to give you new forces.
Cliff I very much wish to kiss you on the present. I am assured, that
you are fine to kiss.
I wait for your answer, and your desire about our the first evening
and night.

                  Your loving and gentle Ekaterina

And on Tuesday…

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I very much waited for your letter.
I now know, how I can surprise you. I thought of that much as how to
make. And I think, that we it is good to know one about other already
enough and it is necessary for us will meet. You agree with me? Cliff
I shall go tomorrow and to learn when I can arrive to you. I think,
that already tomorrow I can inform you date when I can arrive to you.   
I thought in the evening much and I cannot live what any more to not
feel your kisses, your embraces, the most gentle and sweet in this
world. I wish to feel you, I wish to enjoy our passion, I wish to wake
up in your embraces, I want, that our happiness was with us for ever.  
I love you Cliff!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish to be with you!!!!!!!!!!
I want, that all our dreams would become a reality for ever.
I want, that we with you would be happy.
And it becomes a reality. We shall be the happiest together. I to
search for you all life and tomorrow I can tell to you when we shall
meet. I am assured, what it is good news to you? The truth? Cliff you
will meet me? I know what yes. I do not know when, but I shall learn
how all to make and when I I can be with you, and already tomorrow,
represent, tomorrow we shall know as how to do.    
I do not know how to describe that I to feel now.
I am happy!!!!!!!!!!! I shall be with you Cliff!!!!!!!!!!
And to not describe words ours with you of feeling. I to give you the
heart, and I know, that with you to my heart it will be good. Remember
I spoke you that we to float towards to one another. And here already
soon we will meet. And then at us the new and fine life will begin.  
You agree with me Cliff????

        Yours and only your loving and gentle Ekaterina



Copyright notice – FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC

This website and its content is copyright of Clifford L Feightner – © FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

  • You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
  • You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you obtain written permission from Clifford L Feightner (, in advance of use.

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

My Name is Ekaterina; Can I be Your Girlfriend? Part 2

The first post in this section on Ekaterina can be found here

This will be a series of blog posts, which could very well form the backbone of my fourth book.  A reminder, I am including spelling and grammatical errors to provide an accurate depiction of what you might see in your email inbox.

Because of this, I’d appreciate it if you would carefully review our Copyright Notice at the end of this post.  You may not: Use, Borrow, Extract, Copy, or in any way, perform any action that could limit the writer’s future rights to: Leverage, Sell, Publish, Distribute or Infringe any commercial consideration that damages the author or his rights in any way.

On another sunny day in Paradise, I receive a message from Ekaterina:

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. Thanks for a photos.
I am always glad to receive from you beautiful photos. I think of us much and I do
not know as to tell to you. I shall begin all over again. You like me.
I like your sincerity. And I would like to communicate with you more.
I would like to learn you better. You like me. I think, what even very
Cliff it was never interesting to me with men as with you. I like to
answer your questions. And I at all do not represent myself without
your letters.  I very much liked your vital love story to the favourite wife.
It has very much touched me.
Cliff you very much like me. And I would like to tell to you about why
it was impossible to me with men. Many want from me only sex who that
considers me for a toy. But all that I to want. It is love,
tenderness, sincere, caress, passion and love. And I shall belong to
it to the man which will give me it. And I shall love it,Cliff I, as
well as all the girl dreamed in the childhood of prince. But now other
time. And I for a long time to understand, that princes are not
Cliff I wish to be loving and to love. It so is simple. But why that
men are not ready to it. How you think? What do you want from the
girl? What to be with it for ever? 
I want, what, when together are happy, what never any lie. Only
sincerity and love.
I hope that you to understand me. And to not frighten this letter. But
I wished to tell it. And it seems to me, that you that the man. But I
am not assured yet. But it is not assured only because we are still
poorly familiar.  
Cliff as you think? I wait for your letter.
Yours sincere Ekaterina

The next day…

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I am very glad, that we with
you it is pleasant to one another. How your mood? Than you to be
engaged today? 
I am glad to learn more about you. I very much like your sincerity and
I to appreciate it in people. You very much like me and I seem to me
that to test to you the big trust. I know that I can trust you the
same dances as girlfriends. And we can have secrets. The truth?  
I think that the most important in relations is sincerity,
honesty, love. This most important for me.
Cliff I today talked to the grandmother. It came in a drugstore what to
buy medicines for pressure. And to come to me for work. There Is mum
has told to it about you. And it has decided to talk to me about it,
it speaks, that is glad, that I communicate with you. And it wishs our
of good luck in our acquaintance and hopes that when that can will get
acquainted with you as.    
I so am glad, that you today have answered me. Today in the street
there were clouds. And I thought what for? Thought, you can cannot
write. There was that it simply bad weather. And I was happy when to
see your letter.  
Cliff you would like to try grandma a dish? It perfectly prepares. I
spoke you, that it it to learn me. The grandmother has told, that
would like, what you to estimate its dishes. You to try to pickle
mushrooms? Or pies from berries?  
Cliff I today to buy foam for a bath. You heard about it? Speak, that
it well weakens. I wish to try. Never tried. And you? Tell to me about
itself. What at you was today? What you to do? What new in your life?
You are glad, what I have appeared in it?  
I wait for your answer tomorrow. Cliff I wished to ask you.
Your gentle and tender Ekaterina

And on Day 3

Cliff I am glad to receive your letter. I today have woken up with
good mood. The fine dream dreams me. As I was on coast. And you were
with me. You know, what we did? We simply to lay and talk. Then you to
take a cream for sunburn and have made to me fine massage. Then I have
made it to you, Cliff and what you see in the dreams? You would like,
what I to make to you massage? I think, it would be pleasant to you,
as I to do it. I studied in college and us trained massage. Medical
On a photo my best girlfriend and I already start to be jealous it of you.
I prefer a bath with a broom. It weakens, clears my body and gives beauty and health.
Cliff I think of you much. About our attitudes. After I have got
acquainted with you, I have noticed, that the life has changed, and
not only I to notice it. I already to speak you about it. You
remember? I feel, that in my life there was, that that good, that does
me happy. You notice such at yourself? Or not? Cliff I very much wish
to tell to you that nobody told. Even to the girlfriend and mum. You
know, about what I wish to tell? You guess? I do not know, that to me
occurs, me well, well when I receive your letters, it is pleasant to
me, when you to answer my questions. I love, when you to ask me. I so
would like to appear now about you. Easier to see, look in your eyes,
to feel your heat. And you? You want it? Cliff tell to me.
Cliff I do not know that this such. But I guess, that with me. But I
wish to hear your opinion all over again. Today I when went to the
Internet of cafe that the man and the woman which saw went and to hold
one another, for hands. I would like as to walk with you, for example
in park. And you? How your day? What do you do? Tell to me. Today I
send you a photos. I hope, it is pleasant to you? Or not?
I wait for your answer,
Your gentle Ekaterina

And the next…

Cliff I am happy, to see your letter. I very much waited for it. I
today thought that such love at night, and I seem, I start to
understand that this such. Cliff you know that such love? I think, that
it when you think constantly about the person, wish to be with it. You
would like to belong to it, to feel it. To see pleasure in its eyes.
To nestle and does not depart, Cliff as you think, I am right? I do
not know, why, but I start to understand it now after dialogue with
you. It is pleasant to me, that you to not forget about me. And I
think of you every day, Cliff that you think?
You would like to come from work, what I to meet you. We could have
supper, do massage to one another, laugh, have fun? How you think? You
would like it? What would you like?
Today there came the grandmother. It was houses when I have come from
work. And then I have gone to the Internet of cafe. They asked to
transfer you “hi”. They have told, that would like will get acquainted
with you very much.  
Cliff you do not represent that I saw today at night when have fallen
asleep. I to float on water and did not see coast, and I did not have
forces, but I to float. And I have seen ahead of myself a boat. And I
had forces, and I have started to float to this boat. There there was
a man. I think, you? I do not know precisely because my alarm clock to
wake me from a dream.    
You see dreams, where we with you together? What do we do?
I send you a photo. I hope, that the today’s photo very much is
pleasant to you. Or not? Tell to me.
Your gentle and thinking of you Ekaterina


Copyright notice – FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC

This website and its content is copyright of Clifford L Feightner – © FlaAuthor Publishing, LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

  • You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
  • You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you obtain written permission from Clifford L Feightner (, in advance of use.

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.